Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns

The Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns (JERP) is an international scientific, high quality open access, peer viewed scholarly journal provides a comprehensive range of unique online-only journal submission services to academics, researchers, advanced doctoral students and other professionals in their field. This journal publishes original research papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case studies, conference reports, book reviews, essay and relevant reports twice a year (June and December) in online versions. 

The journal editorial team are fully qualified and have wide range of knowledge on specific disciplines to offer adequate and lucrative feedbacks to its readers and writers. Researchers are also mentored by our team and have the opportunity to apply theory to practice as they are introduced to the study of recreation, education and interdisciplinary issues with psycho-social contents as well as planning, delivery and evaluation of recreation education services.



International Recreation and Sport Management Congress 

Dear Readers,

We are pleased to inform you that the Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns will be publishing a special issue featuring selected papers presented at the upcoming IV International Recreation and Sports Management Congress. The congress will be held from May 17th to May 20th, 2023, at the Calimera Serra Pallace hotel in Antalya, Turkey.

Some of the papers found suitable for presentation at the congress will be published free of charge in journals that meet the Associate Professorship application requirements and are indexed in H.W. Wilson and SportDiscuss indexes. The Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns is one of the relevant journals.

The editorial board of the conference will send the full texts received until June 01, 2023, which comply with the journal writing rules and are qualified, to referees for the double-blind refereeing process. Only papers that meet the criteria of the journal, including ethics committee approval and successful completion of the refereeing process, will be considered for publication. Please note that it is not guaranteed that every paper accepted into the referee process will be published.

We encourage all researchers and professionals in the field of Recreation and Sport Management to submit their original studies to the IV International Recreation and Sports Management Congress. A maximum of 25 papers will be selected for publication in the special issue of relevant journals.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and to publishing outstanding papers in the field of Recreation and Sport Management in our upcoming special issue.


Asssoc. Prof. Dr. Yalçın TÜKEL

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns.

Posted: 2023-04-19
More Announcements...

Vol 5, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Muhammet Enes YASUL, Taner AKBULUT, Yavuz YASUL, Vedat ÇINAR
Abdullah Sencer TEMEL, Hakan Salim ÇAĞLAYAN
İsmail KOÇ, Cengizhan PAKYARDIM