Digital Literacy, Digital Addiction and Life Satisfaction: Research of Judo Athletes
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between digital literacy, digital addiction, and life satisfaction among judo athletes. The study group of the research consists of N=139 active licensed judo athletes (N=77 female, N=62 male) who accepted to participate in the research completely voluntarily. In the collection of research data, the digital literacy scale developed by Ng (2012) and translated into Turkish by Hamutoglu et al. (2017), the digital addiction scale (Arslan et al., 2015), and the Satisfaction with Life Scale developed by Diener et al. (1985) and adapted into Turkish by Daglı and Baysal (2016) and a personal information form were used. The relational model included descriptive statistics as well as correlation and regression analysis. According to the regression analysis results, digital addiction did not have a significant effect on life satisfaction, while digital literacy had a positive and significant (β=0.193) effect on life satisfaction. In conclusion, it was found that digital literacy has a positive effect on life satisfaction and that life satisfaction will increase as the level of digital literacy increases.
Keywords: Digital Addiction, Digital Literacy, Judo Athletes; Life Satisfaction
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