Examination of Variables Predicting the Emotional Intelligence Levels of Physical Education and Sports Teacher Candidates Using the CHAID Analysis

Mehmet Sabir ÇEVİK, Mehmet Nezir ÇEVİK


This research aims to determine the variables predicting the emotional intelligence levels of physical education and sports teacher candidates and to prioritize the variables in terms of their predictiveness using a relational screening model. The study group consists of 445 physical education and sports teacher candidates studying at two state universities in the Central Anatolia and South-eastern Anatolia Regions in the 2022–2023 academic year. Research data were collected using the “Emotional Intelligence Scale” consisting of three dimensions and 20 items, and the “Personal Information Form”. Research findings were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the CHAID analysis method. According to the research results, it was determined that the teacher candidates’ emotional intelligence levels were moderate on the scale as a whole and in the emotional regulation dimension, low in the emotional identification/comprehension dimension, and high in the emotional facilitation dimension. The gender variable was observed to have the highest impact on the emotional facilitation dimension and emotional intelligence as a whole. Variables with the highest impact on the emotional identification/comprehension dimension were determined to be graduated high school, gender, and grade level. In contrast, the variables with the highest effect on the emotional regulation dimension were determined to be participation in social and cultural activities, graduated high school, and gender.

Keywords: CHAID Analysis, Emotional Intelligence, Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Teacher Candidates

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53016/jerp.v4i2.120


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