Examining ESL Preservice Teachers’ Personal Factors That Best Predict Their Confidence to Integrate Technology in Future Classrooms



This study was designed to examine preservice teachers' personal characteristics that can predict their confidence to integrate technology in their teaching practices. The investigators used a questionnaire designed based on Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory to ask 168 ESL preservice teachers enrolled in the English Department in a public university located in central Anatolia. The results of this study found that the use of technology during ESL preservice teachers' training was the most significant predictor of their self-efficacy to integrate technology in their teaching practices, then followed by the number of years they are attending the education training and finally their learning preferences such as the use of multimedia and digital materials. The results of this study also found that ESL preservice teachers’ gender and age were insignificant causes for building their confidence to integrate technology. The study also has found that there is a significant relationship between ESL preservice teachers' use of technology and their levels of self-efficacy and this relationship was strong and positive. These findings indicate that prior experience with technology among preservice teachers is a key component in determining their confidence in integrating technology into teaching and learning. The study offers vital insights into how teacher education programs might effectively prepare ESL preservice teachers for technology integration. Teacher education programs should prioritize chances for preservice teachers to obtain practical experience using technology in classroom settings. Finally, the investigators provide interpretation and recommendations based on these findings.

Keywords: ESL, Personal Factors, Preservice Teachers, Self-Efficacy, Technology Integration 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53016/jerp.v4i1.127


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