The Relationship between Leisure Time Participation, Automatic Thought and Life Satisfaction in Pre-Service Teachers
The aim of this study is to examine pre-service teachers' leisure time participation, automatic thought and life satisfaction levels according to some variables and to determine the relationship between them. A sample of 862 (468 female, 394 male) pre-service teachers studying a state university provided responses. In the study, 'Life Satisfaction Scale' (LSS) and 'Revised Automatic Thought Questionnaire (ATQ-R)' were administered on the participants. Descriptive statistical methods, t-test, ANOVA and correlation analyses were used in the data analysis. Pre-service teachers' automatic thought perceptions were at low level, while life satisfaction perceptions were at middle level. The scores of the LSS and ATQ-R did not differ significantly according to gender, department and grade level. While the scores of ATQ-R did not differ significantly according to income and leisure time evaluation, the scores of LSS differed significantly. On the other hand, the scores of both LSS and the ATQ-R differed significantly according to the frequency of participation in recreational activities. And also, there was a negative and moderate correlation between pre-service teachers’ life satisfaction and automatic thought perceptions. Results showed that the life satisfaction and automatic thought perceptions of male and female students did not change. It was determined that the participants' life satisfaction and automatic thought perceptions did not differ according to department and grade level. In addition, participants with high income and pre-service teachers who stated that they participate in social, cultural and artistic activities in leisure time had higher life satisfaction. As participation recreational activities in leisure time increased, the life satisfaction perception increased, and the perception of automatic thought decreased. In addition, as the participants' life satisfaction perceptions increased, their automatic thought perceptions also decreased.
Keywords: Automatic Thought Perception, Leisure Time, Life Satisfaction, Pre-Service Teacher
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