Digital Leisure Time Tendency Scale: Validity and Reliability Study

Fatih Harun TURHAN, Ömer Faruk TUTAR


This study aims to determine the validity and reliability of the "Digital Leisure Time Tendency Scale (DLTTS)". The DLTTS was applied to a total of 1354 people, 648 women and 706 men. The Key Components Factor Analysis, which was carried out following the direct oblimin conversion of the participants' tendency scores to digital leisure activities in order to test the validity of the factor structure of the DLTTS, supports the 4-factor structure and explains 56.52% of the scale. The DLTTS consists of 4 sub-dimensions and 18 items in total, namely "Communication" (6 items), "Social Interaction" (5 items), "Psychological Tendency" (4), and "Application Usage" (3 items) sub-dimensions. Participants attitudes towards digital leisure activities are evaluated on a 5-point Likert-type scale. The KMO value of the scale was found to be 0.866. Cronbach's Alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated for four sub-dimensions and the total scale. Accordingly, Communication = .79, Social Interaction = .78, Psychological Tendency: .80, and Application Usage = .65. The total reliability coefficient of the scale is quite reliable (α= .83). In conclusion, the Digital Leisure Time Tendency Scale reveals that it is a valid and reliable scale for assessing the digital leisure time Tendency of individuals over the age of 18.

Keywords: Digital Leisure Time, Reliability, Tendency, Validity

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