Determination of the Institutional Image of the University According to the Opinions of Students Receiving Sports Education
This research was conducted to determine the institutional image of the university they study according to the opinions of the students receiving sports education and to determine whether the institutional image of the university they study differs according to demographic variables. The normality of the data obtained in the study was tested with Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests; since the data did not show normal as a result of the test, Mann-Whitney U Test was used for pairwise comparisons and Kruskal-Wallis Analysis of Variance was used for multiple comparisons. In cases where a significant difference was found as a result of Kruskal-Wallis Analysis of Variance in multiple comparisons, Mann-Whitney U Test was applied to determine between which groups this difference originated. In all statistical calculations, the basic significance level was accepted as 0.05. As a result of the research; it was determined that the perceptions of the students receiving sports education towards the image of the universities they study are high / positive. It was determined that students' perceptions of the corporate image of their universities in all dimensions (employees, management quality, social responsibility, working environment, product and service quality, communication activities) differed significantly according to gender, age and the department they studied. Again, it was determined that students' perceptions of their universities' corporate image dimensions of employees, management quality, social responsibility, product and service quality, communication activities differed significantly according to the class variable, and their perceptions of product and service quality and communication activities corporate image dimensions differed significantly according to the sport branch variable. It was determined that the perceptions of the students towards the corporate image dimension of the working environment of the universities they studied according to the class variable; the perceptions of the students towards the dimensions of employees, management quality, social responsibility, working environment corporate image did not differ significantly according to the sport branch variable
Keywords: Education, Institutional image, Student, University
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