Teachers' Views on the Role of Traditional Children's Games in Education

Ahmet TEMEL, Murat KANGALGİL, Oğuzhan ÇALI


This research aimed to determine the opinions of teachers who participated in the “I Live My Values with Traditional Games Project (ILMVTGP)” in the 2nd semester of the 2022-2023 academic year regarding the role of traditional children's games (TCG) in education. In the study, phenomenological research design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The study group consisted of 17 teachers in total, including 12 primary school teachers and 5 physical education teachers who participated in ILMVTGP in Aksaray/Eskil. Criterion sampling method was used to determine the participants and focus group interviews were held with the participants. Content analysis was performed to evaluate the data collected with the semi-structured interview form. According to the research findings, four themes were determined: “development”, “cultural bridge”, “value transfer” and “educational tool”. Teachers participating in ILMVTGP stated that TCG supports the holistic development of students and that physical development is especially at the forefront. Traditional games serve as an important cultural bridge in transferring our culture to future generations. The role of traditional games in transferring the values of respect, love, helpfulness, honesty, friendship, and tolerance inherent in our culture was emphasized by teachers. Attention has been drawn to the role of traditional games in transferring physical education lesson achievements, and especially psychomotor achievements, to students. It was stated that students' love for school and motivation to learn increased, their negative behaviors decreased and their academic success increased. As a result of the research; It has been determined that the use of TCG in education serves the purposes of the physical education course curriculum and has a positive impact on children in terms of holistic development, culture, and value transfer. Based on these results, it is recommended that traditional games be used effectively at the basic education level and supported by the authorities.

Keywords: Basic Education, Culture, Development, Traditional Children's Games, Values

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53016/jerp.v5i1.220


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