The Relationship Between Leisure Involvement, Flow Experience, and Life Satisfaction Levels of Fitness Center Members

Mehmet DOĞAN, Yaşar Boğaç ÜNAL


The aim of this study was to compare the leisure involvement, flow experience, and life satisfaction levels of fitness center members according to the gender and physical activity participation frequency variables. At the same time, the correlations between leisure involvement, flow experience and life satisfaction were identified. The research included a total of 309 fitness center members comprising 147 women and 162 men. Participants responded to the Leisure Involvement Scale, Recreational Flow Experience Scale and Satisfaction with Life Scale. Analysis of data used descriptive statistics, t test, ANOVA, MANOVA, correlation and regression tests. According to physical activity participation frequency, the leisure involvement subdimensions, flow experience and life satisfaction mean scores were identified to differ at significant levels (p<0.05). For the variables with significant difference identified, fitness center members participating in weekly physical activity more often had higher mean scores compared to others. Correlation analysis results found significant and positive levels of correlation between leisure involvement, flow experience and life satisfaction mean scores (p<0.05). According to the results of regression analysis, leisure involvement was a significant predictor of flow experience and life satisfaction. In conclusion, individuals participating in physical activity more frequently had an increase in leisure involvement levels, along with increases in flow experience and life satisfaction levels. Based on this, leisure involvement played a determinative role in the flow experience and life satisfaction levels of fitness center members who are regularly physically active.

Keywords: Flow Experience, Leisure Involvement, Life Satisfaction.

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