Investigation of the Effect of Sports Participation Motivations of Students of Faculty of Sports Sciences on Their Leadership Orientations

Mustafa TAZE, Çağatay DERECELİ


In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationship between motivation to participate in sports and leadership orientations of students of the faculty of sports sciences. A relational survey model was used in this study. The study group consisted of students studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences. The questionnaire part of the study consists of three parts. Firstly, includes demographic information. Secondly, the “Leadership Orientations Questionnaire”, which was developed by Bolman and Deal (1990) and adapted into Turkish by Dereli (2003), is explored. Thirdly, consists of the Participation Motivation Questionnaire, which was developed by Gill et al. (1983) and adapted into Turkish by Oyar et al. (2001). For the determine normality assumption skewness and kurtosis values was used. Skewness and kurtosis values were found to be between ±2 and it was determined that the data had a normal distribution (George and Malley, 2003). Afterward, an Independent samples t-test was used between paired groups, and a one-way analysis of variance was used for paired variables. Moreover, reliability coefficient, frequency and percentage and mean and standard deviation calculations were conducted. Simple regression analysis was used to determine the effect between the dependent and independent variables. The findings, a statistically significant difference was found in the variables of leadership orientation and age, income level, and frequency of weekly sports participation in sports participation motivation. As a result, it was determined that there was a low-level significant and negative relationship between the participants' motivation to participate in sports and their leadership orientations.

Keywords: Leadership, Motivation, Sports.

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