Examining the Personal Development Orientations and Problem-Solving Competencies of Physical Education and Sports Teachers Along with Other Branch Teachers
This study aims to examine the personal development orientations and problem-solving competencies of physical education and sports teachers compared to teachers of other subjects, and to determine if there are significant differences based on demographic variables. In the study, "Adaptation of Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II (PGIS) " and "Teacher Problem Solving Skill Acquisition Competence Scale" were used. The research is a quantitative study and was carried out in the relational survey model. The sample of the study consisted of 367 participants from different branches of teachers working in schools selected by random sampling method in Kahramanmaraş city center. As a result of the research, it was determined that the mean scores of the participants' personal growth initiative and teacher problem solving skills were at a high level. Significant differences were found in terms of the variables of teaching field/branch, receiving personal development training, choosing the profession willingly and suitability for teaching profession. As a result of the correlation analysis, positive and moderately significant relationships were found between the Personal Growth Initiative of the participants and their competencies to gain problem solving skills. According to the path analysis, it was seen that the sub-dimension of adopting the right approach of the "Teacher Problem Solving Competence Scale" predicted the sub-dimensions of readiness for change, painfulness, using resources and purposeful behavior of the "Adaptation of Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II (PGIS " at a significant level (p<.05). It was determined that the sub-dimension of applying the relevant method predicted the sub-dimensions of being planned and using resources at a significant level (p<.05). In the context of the originality value of the study, when the literature is examined, it is seen that personal growth and problem solving skills have been studied separately with similar scales in previous studies. The originality of this study is to shed light on the subject by examining the connection between personal development initiative and the competence to acquire problem-solving skills. It is anticipated that the potential application of the results in teacher education or education policy will contribute significantly.
Keywords: Personal Development Orientations, Physical Education Teachers, Problem Solving Skills.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53016/jerp.v5i2.246
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