Examining The Thinking Styles of Executives and Their Attitudes Toward Sports: Research on Private Sector Employees in Türkiye

Abdullah Sencer TEMEL, Hakan Salim ÇAĞLAYAN


Thinking style and attitude significantly influence individuals' actions and behaviors across various domains. Previous research has highlighted the challenges of integrating these thinking styles and attitudes with the complexities of real-world scenarios. This article investigates the thinking styles and attitudes of executives (n=216) towards sports, examining the relationships between these variables in the context of gender, active sports participation, frequency of sports activity, and purpose of sports engagement. The study employs causal-comparative and correlational research designs. The findings indicate that executives predominantly favor a liberal thinking style, with a conservative thinking style being the least preferred. Analysis of the sub-dimensions of the general attitude scale revealed that while executives generally place high importance on and interest in sports, their active participation in sports is moderate. A regression model assessing the specific impact of thinking styles on attitudes towards sports demonstrated that the legislative, executive, judicial, monarchic, hierarchical, oligarchic, anarchic, global, local, internal, external, liberal, and conservative thinking styles collectively have a significant relationship with general attitudes towards sports. However, only the legislative, hierarchical, and liberal thinking styles were significant predictors of overall sports attitudes. Specifically, an increase in the legislative thinking style correlated with a decrease in positive sports attitudes, whereas increases in hierarchical and liberal thinking styles were associated with enhanced positive sports attitudes. The final findings revealed low-level positive and negative correlations between all sub-dimensions of the executives' thinking styles inventory and their general attitude towards sports and its sub-dimensions.

Keywords: Attitudes, Executives, Private Sector, Sport, Thinking Styles

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53016/jerp.v5i2.249


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