The Role of Mental Training on Mental Toughness of Individual and Team Athletes
This research was carried out to examine the effect of mental training applied on individuals who do individual and team sports on mental resilience. The research consists of a total of 365 athletes, 113 of who mare women (31%) and 252 of whom are men (69%), who activelyeng age in individual and team sports. During the data collection phase, the Mental Training Inventory in Sports was developed by Behnke et al (2019), validity and reliability studies were carried out by Yarayan and İlhan (2018) and adapted to Turkish, and the validity and reliability study was conducted by Sheard et al (2009). The Mental Endurance Inventory in Sports, which was adapted into Turkish by Altıntaş and Koruç (2016), was used. Pearson-Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationships between the variables included in the study in the analysis of the data, T-Test analysis method was used to determine whether there was a difference between the groups. In the research findings, it was determined that the sub-dimensions of mental training, mental basic skills and talking to yourself differed significantly according to gender. According to the international athlete variable, a significant difference was found in the mental training mental basic skills sub-dimension and mental training total score. A significant difference was found in the sub-dimensions of international athlete variable, mental toughness, trust and control. It is thought that the study has the potential to use mental skills in sports whose effectiveness has been proven and to give an idea to the athletes and coaches about the changes that occur in the athletes as a result.
Keywords: Individual Sport, Mental Toughness, Mental Training, Team Sport
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