Promoting Educational Outcomes Through Openness to Diversity: An Exploration of Sport and Physical Activity

Kibaek KIM, Andrew C. PICKETT, Sarah STOKOWSKI, Jinwook HAN


Research in higher education has emphasized the importance of diversity by demonstrating that students’ exposure to diversity can support positive academic outcomes. Still, little attention has focused on the role of sport and recreation in promoting students’ inclusive thought patterns. This study analyzed the influence of sport spectatorship, physical activity participation, and team identification on college students’ (N=140) openness to diversity and academic outcomes. The results indicated that sport and recreational activity had a significant negative effect on students’ openness to diversity (β = -.20, p < .05). Additionally, team identification was shown to have a significant negative effect on students’ academic outcomes (β = -.25, p < .01). This study strived to provide insight into diversity efforts, demonstrating that sport and physical activity may serve as tools to assist in fostering inclusive excellence.

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