The Relationship Between School Administrators' Supportive Leadership Behaviors and Organizational Citizenship According to Teacher Perceptions

Ramazan ERTÜRK


The research, which aims to determine the relationship between the supportive leadership behaviors of school administrators and organizational citizenship according to teacher perceptions, was designed in the relational survey model, which is one of the quantitative research methods. The study population of the research consisted of 465 teachers working in primary schools in the city center of Bolu in the 2021-2022 academic year, and valid data were obtained from 306 teachers. Supportive leadership scale and organizational citizenship scales were used to collect data in the research. Parametric tests were used because the research data showed normal distribution. According to the results of the research, teachers' perceptions of school administrators' supportive leadership behaviors and organizational citizenship perceptions are high. According to another result of the study, there is a moderately positive and significant relationship between the supportive leadership behaviors of school administrators and organizational citizenship. Supportive leadership is a significant predictor of organizational citizenship. School administrators, as supportive leaders, can help teachers with their problems related to their lessons, make an effort to create a quality and peaceful working environment for teachers, make constructive criticism and create a fair working environment at school, be open to teachers' opinions and suggestions, appreciate their success, and enable their organizational citizenship behaviors to emerge. In order to ensure continuity in the supportive leadership behaviors of school administrators, it will be good to ensure continuity in their professional development. In this regard, they can participate in in-service trainings, workshops, panels and symposiums and congresses related to their fields.

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