Unemployment Anxiety and Hopelessness in University Students

Yahya Gökhan YALÇIN


This study aims to examine the Unemployment Anxiety and Hopelessness levels of senior students of the Faculty of Sport Sciences. While the population of the study consists of senior students of the faculty of sports science, the sample group consists of 732 senior students, 209 women and 523 men, studying at Sports Sciences Faculties of Selçuk University, Niğde Ömer Halis Demir University, Aksaray University, Düzce University and Bursa Uludağ University. Ethics Committee approval no.145 was obtained from the "Selçuk University Faculty of Sports Sciences Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee" for the study. While the personal information form created by the researcher was used to obtain socio-demographic data, the "Unemployment Anxiety" scale prepared by Ersoy-Kart and Erdost (2008) to measure the perceptions of students about being unemployed was used to determine unemployment anxiety. The scale was composed of psychometric questions prepared by Dursun and Aytaç (2009) in line with the relevant literature to determine the unemployment anxiety levels of students. Tekin Tayfun and Korkmaz (2016) used these psychometric questions and created a 25-item unemployment anxiety scale. The Beck Hopelessness Scale, which was developed by Beck et al. (1974) to measure the individual's negative perspectives towards the future, was used to determine hopelessness levels. The variance and homogeneity of the data were tested, the Independent Samples t test was used for pairwise comparisons, the One Way Anova test was used for multiple comparisons, and the Tukey HSD test was used to determine the source of difference.

It was determined that the value of men in the dimension of environmental pressure depending on the gender factor was statistically higher than the value of women (p<0.05), and the change in other dimensions was not statistically significant. While it was found that the hopelessness value of women was statistically higher than the value of men (p<0.05), no statistical change was observed in the dimensions of unemployment anxiety and hopelessness depending on the age, economic status and field of study. In the light of these findings, it can be said that men have more unemployment anxiety, while women experience hopelessness at a higher level than men.

Keywords: Sport, Unemployment, Anxiety, Hopelessness

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