Investigation of the Relationship Between Psychological Comfort Levels and Organizational Commitment Levels of Physical Education Teachers



This research aims to examine the relationship between psychological comfort levels and organizational commitment levels of physical education teachers. The universe of the research consisted of physical education teachers working in Elâzığ province. The study's sample group consisted of 211 people, 148 male, and 63 female, from physical education teachers working in Elâzığ. The "Psychological Comfort Scale" and "Organizational Commitment Scale" were used as data collection tools. Dependent-Sample T-test, One Way Anova, and Pearson Correlation Analysis were used in the analysis of the data. In terms of gender and educational status variables, there was no significant difference in the organizational commitment sub-dimensions and psychological commitment levels of physical education teachers. Regarding age, occupational year, and marital status variables, significant differences were found in organizational commitment sub-dimensions and psychological comfort levels. According to the findings obtained, as the age and occupational year increased, the organizational commitment and psychological comfort levels of physical education teachers decreased. Single teachers were found to have higher levels of organizational commitment and psychological comfort than married teachers. A medium-level relationship was found between the levels of forced commitment, moral commitment, and self-interested commitment, which are the organizational commitment sub-dimensions of physical education teachers, and psychological comfort levels (r= -0.39, r= 0.51, r=0.43). As the psychological comfort levels of physical education teachers increased, so did their level of organizational commitment. After all; A significant positive relationship was found between the organizational commitment levels of physical education teachers and their psychological comfort levels.

Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Physical Education Teacher, Psychological Comfort.

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