Investigation of Subjective Well-Being Levels of Disabled Individuals Doing and Not Doing Sport
This study offers a comparative analysis of the subjective well-being of disabled individuals according to whether they do sport or not. The study was designed as a quantitative research. It is seen in the positive psychology literature that research on quality of life accelerate research on subjective well-being. Subjective well-being affects almost all aspects of life, and therefore, the fact that children, adolescents, adults and disabled people lead a healthy life is directly related to their level of well-being. The aim of this study is to investigate the subjective well-being levels of visually disabled individuals doing sport and not doing sport and to evaluate the differences between the subjective well-being of disabled individuals who do sport and those who do not. A total of 100 visually disabled individuals voluntarily participated in the study, including disabled individuals doing sport and not doing sport.
The Turkish version of the PERMA measurement tool was used to evaluate the well-being of the participants. As a result of the research, disabled individuals who do sport had statistically significantly higher subjective well-being parameters compared to disabled individuals who do not do sport. The results showed that sport or physical activities have positive effects on the life quality of disabled individuals, in social life, in supporting psychological and social development and in maintaining a stable emotional life. Sustainable exercise or sportive social life is recommended for a healthier, dynamic and social life.
Keywords: Sport, exercise, physical activity, disabled individuals, subjective well-being.
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