Ethnic/Racial Differences in Doctoral Degree Attainment in Texas: A Multiyear Analysis

Tama Suzanne Hamrick, John R Slate, Frederick C Lunenburg


In this multiyear, statewide investigation, the degree to which changes had occurred in the numbers and percentages of doctoral degrees awarded to White, Hispanic, and Black students in Texas public postsecondary institutions from the 1999-2000 academic year through the 2018-2019 academic year was examined.  The highest numbers of doctoral degrees were awarded to White students, followed by Hispanic students and Black students, respectively.  Statistically significant differences were present for the percentages of doctoral degrees awarded to Hispanic and to Black students between the 1999-2000 academic year and the 2018-2019 academic year.  The percentage of doctoral degrees awarded to White students decreased by nearly 21%, whereas the percentage of master’s degrees awarded to Hispanic students and to Black students increased by 11.07% and 9.39%, respectively. As such, the ethnic/racial diversity of doctoral degree recipients increased over the academic years of data analyzed herein.

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