Content Analysis of Academic Studies Related to Orienteering Sport in Türkiye Between 2001-2021



The aim of this study is to examine the data on publication type, publication year, publication language, research method, data collection tools, sample type and research topics in academic studies related to orienteering sport in Türkiye between 2001-2021. Content analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, has been used as the research model. The data were collected by literature review and analyzed using explanatory content analysis technique. As a result, it has been determined that the number of studies has increased as of 2017, the cognitive aspect of orienteering sports has come to the fore as a subject, and the number of doctoral dissertations is insufficient. In the studies examined, Turkish as a language, quantitative studies as a method, and athletes as a sample type are more numerous. According to the results of this study, the following suggestions can be made: The number of doctoral theses, the number of studies in English language that can be published in international refereed journals, the number of studies conducted by qualitative and mixed methods, studies related to different groups such as referees, coaches and managers should be increased. Orientation sport-specific attitude scale or questionnaire development studies should be done. A wider literature review should be made by considering the current developments and the relations of orienteering sports with different disciplines. Since orienteering sport has cognitive characteristics and can be used as an educational tool, studies related to different disciplines should be carried out.

Keywords: Academic Studies, Content Analysis, Orienteering

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