The Effect of Faculty of Sports Sciences Students' Unemployment Concerns on Academic Self-Efficiency



Among the concerns experienced by the youth today, anxiety about the future and unemployment have reached remarkable dimensions. This research was carried out to examine the effect of unemployment anxiety on the academic self-efficacy of the students of the faculty of sports sciences. The unemployment anxiety scale and academic self-efficacy scale were used as data collection tools. The sample group for the study consists of 417 university students studying at the faculties of sports sciences at six universities in Turkey. Data were collected via Google Form, and the SPSS 21 package was used in the analysis of the data obtained. According to the findings, the unemployment anxiety of the students of the faculty of sports sciences; academic achievement differs according to grade point average, coaching certificate, and work experience. Academic self-efficacy levels differ significantly according to gender, department average, and work experience.

As a result, there is a positive and significant relationship between "personal pessimism and lack of confidence", "lack of qualitative knowledge and skills," and "cognitive practices and academic self-efficacy" among the unemployment concerns of sports science students. It was determined that, as the unemployment anxiety of the students increased, their academic self-efficacy scores also increased.

Keywords: Academic Self-Efficacy, Faculty of Sports Science Students, Unemployment Anxiety

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