Examination of Attitude Levels of University Students Towards Youth Centers
The aim of the present study is to examine the attitudes of university students towards youth centers. This study was conducted by using descriptive survey model. Population of the study consists of university students who are members of Youth Centers within the body of Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkey, while the sample consists of 141 participants who are members of Youth Centers within the body of Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkey. “Personal Information Form” and “The Scale of Attitude Towards Activities of Youth Centers” were used in the study. Student t-test, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey multiple comparison tests were used in data analysis. No significant difference was found in the variables of gender, educational status, family income and having a youth center member in the family. Significant difference was found in The Scale of Attitude Towards Activities of Youth Centers sub-dimension scores and total score in the variables of age, membership duration, frequency of visiting and number of siblings. In addition, significant difference was found in volunteering sub-dimension scores and total scores of The Scale of Attitude Towards Activities of Youth Centers in the variable of the state of doing sports. Therefore, it is thought that it is important to have activities to enable new members to participate in the activities. These activities could include contests with prizes, domestic and international trips, and scholarship opportunities. It can also be recommended to organize activities by considering the education lives of university students so that they can participate in the activities of youth centers more frequently.
Keywords: Attitude, University Student, Youth Centre
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53016/jerp.v4i2.146
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