The Attitudes of 2nd and 3rd Grade Primary School Students towards Life studies Course and Their Levels of School Happiness



Students’ ability to internalize desired characteristics in life studies course is closely related to their readiness. The readiness is in turn linked to students’ knowledge, abilities, interests, habits, attitudes and values. Considering attitudes, students learn more effectively and become more successful when they develop a positive attitude towards a course. Depending on that success, students are expected to be happy. In the present study, students’ attitudes towards life studies course and their levels of school happiness are investigated using single screening, causal comparison and relational screening models. The study sample consists of 948 students selected via stratified and random sampling from a population of students attending 2nd and 3rd grades of primary schools in Ankara. The results of the analyses performed with parametric tests demonstrate high levels of life studies course attitudes and school happiness among 2nd and 3rd grade primary school students. A moderate, positive and significant relationship was found between attitudes and school happiness, with attitude accounting for 15% of the total variance of happiness. However, attitudes and school happiness do not vary significantly according to gender, grade, parents’ education and daily reading time.

Keywords: Attitude, Life Studies, School Happiness.

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