Self-Esteem and Body Image of Gifted University Students

Havva DEMİREL, Bekir Furkan TÜZER, Mehmet ALTIN


Aim: This study aimed to examine the self-esteem and body image of gifted university students. The population consisted of students admitted through a special talent exam, with a sample of 421 students (247 female, 174 male).
Mateiral and Method: Scale applications were carried out with scale forms created manually and via Google. The self-esteem scale developed by Rosenberg (1965) and validity and reliability study conducted by Çuhadaroğlu (1986) was used to measure self-esteem levels, and the body image scale developed by Secord and Jourard and adapted into Turkish by Hovardaoğlu (1993) was used to determine body perceptions.
Results: While no statistical change was observed in self-esteem and body image scores related to age, daily sports practice and time allocated to art, statistical differences were found depending on gender and faculty of study. In addition, it was noteworthy that the body perception values of the students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences and the Faculty of Fine Arts were higher than the Conservatory students.
Conclusion: As a result, the fact that male participants have higher self-esteem than female participants can be associated with social norms, women's place in society and status differences. In general terms, a person feels as valuable as the value he/she sees, so this environmental attitude or perspective can be seen as a factor affecting women's self-esteem in Anatolian societies, and it can be said that the value that men see both physically and as a social dynamic imposed on them at work, at home and in social life makes their self-esteem higher than women. The reason why the body perception values expected at a high level in the students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences were significantly lower than the students of the other two faculties can be seen as that their body perception values may be perceived differently by the people around them.

Keywords: Body Perception, Self-Esteem, Sports, Talented University Students

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