The Effects of Short-Term Electromyostimulation Exercises and Different Diet Types on Body Composition in Obese Women

Muhammet Enes YASUL, Taner AKBULUT, Yavuz YASUL, Vedat ÇINAR


Obesity is one of the world's most risky health problems with increasing prevalence. This study aimed to investigate the effect of calorie-restricted diet and intermittent fasting diet on body composition with electromyostimulation (EMS) applications in obese females. The study was conducted with 90 obese females. Participants were randomly divided into 5 groups, EMS, EMS+intermittent fasting (EMS+IF), EMS+calorie restricted (EMS+CR), intermittent fasting (IF), and calorie restricted (CR) diet groups. EMS groups received 27min/2g/week EMS exercise protocol for 4 weeks. Furthermore, dietary interventions were conducted with all groups (except EMS). Body composition measurements of the participants were obtained with a bioelectrical impedance device. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the obtained data. BMI, body mass, and body fat weight decreased significantly in the EMS+IF, and EMS+CR groups compared to the EMS group while skeletal muscle weight decreased dramatically in all four groups compared to the EMS group. In body analysis regional (right-left arm, right-left leg, and trunk) parameters, fat weight decreased significantly in EMS+IF, and EMS+CR groups compared to the other groups. Moreover, muscle mass decreased more in the EMS+CR and EMS+IF groups compared to the other groups. Dietary interventions in the form of CR or IF with EMS significantly affected body composition measurements in obese participants. EMS and IF dietary interventions may be therapeutic tools to combat obesity.


Calorie-Restricted Diet, Electromyostimulation, Exercise, Intermittent Fasting, Obesity

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