Sleep Hygiene in Recreational Fitness Individuals
Sleep hygiene plays a significant role in individuals' overall health and quality of life. In this context, the study aims to examine the sleep hygiene of individuals engaging in recreational fitness in fitness centers from various socio-demographic perspectives. The research encompasses 534 individuals registered at fitness centers in the city of Konya. Participants' levels of sleep hygiene were measured using the "Sleep Hygiene Index," which is widely used and validated in the literature. The collected data were analyzed using Spearman and Pearson Correlation Tests and One-Way ANOVA tests. Additionally, partial eta squared (ŋ²p) values were calculated to examine the effect sizes of all variables. The study's findings indicate that participants generally have poor sleep hygiene. It was found that demographic variables such as gender and education level did not significantly affect sleep hygiene. However, factors such as fitness history, daily sleep duration, and the preferred time of day for fitness had noticeable impacts on sleep hygiene. Specifically, participants with longer daily sleep durations had better sleep hygiene, and those with a longer fitness history similarly had better sleep hygiene. Participants who preferred to exercise in the evening had higher sleep hygiene scores compared to other groups. These results suggest that not only individuals attending fitness centers but also trainers and coaches should receive training to improve sleep hygiene, potentially enhancing individuals' physical and mental well-being.
Keywords: Sleep, Sleep Hygiene, Recreational Fitness, Fitness Centers
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