Web Weavers or Leisure Seekers? Attitudes toward Leisure from the Perspective of Social Media Addiction, Fear of Missing Out and Sense of Belonging



The study explores the intricate relationship between social media addiction, the fear of missing out (FoMO), and the sense of belonging, focusing on their impact on leisure attitudes among university students. As social media use becomes pervasive, its addictive nature can disrupt leisure activities and negatively affect mental health. The fear of missing out and the desire for social connection are significant predictors of social media addiction, leading to altered leisure perceptions and behaviors. This research employs a cross-sectional survey design, collecting data from 220 students at Necmettin Erbakan University in Turkey. The findings reveal that social media addiction significantly predicts FoMO and the need to belong, highlighting the importance of addressing these psychological needs to promote healthier leisure engagement. By understanding these dynamics, the study aims to provide insights into fostering balanced social media use and developing strategies to mitigate its adverse effects on leisure activities.

Keywords: Interactionist Perspective, Leisure Behavior, Need to Belong, Social Connectedness, Social Networking

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53016/jerp.v5i2.250


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