Impact of Demographic Characteristics on Information Management Attitudes Among Youth Center Directors



Information is one of the most critical resources for both individuals and organizations. With the Internet and information system tools, the ease and affordability of accessing information have led to the restructuring of organizational frameworks to be knowledge-based and management systems to be human-centered. This study aims to analyze how demographic characteristics influence the attitudes toward information management among youth center directors, who are largely responsible for the operations of these centers.
Statistical analyses involved surveying 113 youth center directors across Turkey. The results revealed that youth center directors scored highly in self-improvement, with an average score of 4.49. The commitment average score was also found to be relatively high at 3.23. However, the average communication score remained low at 2.23. This suggests that while youth center directors demonstrate a strong willingness to improve themselves and possess high levels of commitment, they exhibit weak performance in communication skills.
Further analysis of demographic variables indicated that directors with postgraduate education scored lower in communication compared to those without postgraduate qualifications. The scores for communication, commitment, and self-improvement did not exhibit significant differences across other demographic groups.
The findings suggest that postgraduate education may negatively impact communication skills among directors, highlighting the need for targeted communication skills training in youth center management programs, particularly for those with advanced academic qualifications.

Keywords: Information Management, Information Management Attitudes, Information Management Strategies, Youth Center.

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